Flume DFO Local Storage Usage Check
It might be useful when flume driver failed.
#Check flume DFO directory size
sub trim($);
use strict;
use warnings;
my $exit=0;
my $backlog_size = `du -s flume | awk {‘print \$1’}`;
$backlog_size = trim($backlog_size);
if ( !$ARGV[0] || !$ARGV[1])
########################### Usage of the plugin
print “check_flume_backlog critical_size warning_size \n”;
exit 0;
######################### Case 1 if State is Critical
if ($backlog_size > $ARGV[0])
print “Critical: “.$backlog_size.”b\n”;
exit 2;
######################## Case 2 if State is Warning
if($backlog_size > $ARGV[1] || $backlog_size == 0)
print “Warning: “.$backlog_size.”b\n”;
exit 1;
######################## Case 3 if State is OK
if($backlog_size < $ARGV[0] && $backlog_size < $ARGV[1])
print “OK: “.$backlog_size.”b\n”;
exit 0;
sub trim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
And for centralised monitoring..
//Check flume DFO directory size from all collection servers
// default warning 500MB
if(!isset($argv[1])) $warning = “5000000000”;
else $warning = $argv[1];
// default critical 1GB
if(!isset($argv[2])) $critical = “10000000000”;
else $critical = $argv[2];
$servers = array();
$results = “”;
$total = 0;
$ok = 0;
$warning_list = “”;
$critical_list = “”;
//-snip- get server lists from nagios
foreach($servers as $server)
//echo $server.”\n”;
$cmd = “check_nrpe -H $server -c check_flume_backlog -a ‘$critical $warning'”;
$result = “[“.$server.”] “.exec($cmd).”\n”;
if(preg_match(“/OK/”,$result)) $ok++;
else if(preg_match(“/Warning/”,$result)) $warning_list.=$server.”,”;
else if(preg_match(“/Critical/”,$result)) $critical_list.=$server.”,”;
if(!empty($critical_list)) $notification = “CRITICAL: “.$critical_list;
else if(!empty($warning_list)) $notification = “WARNING: “.$warning_list;
else $notification = “OK: “.$ok.”/”.$total;
echo $notification.”\n”.$results;