Python - write compressed log file into HDFS for hadoop hive mapreduce

import pyhdfs from cStringIO import StringIO import binascii -snip- #Set hdfs connection info hdfsaddress = “namenode” hdfsport = 12345 hdfsfn = “filename” #gzip compression level clevel = 1 -snip- logger.

Facebook scribe with hdfs

packages: libevent hadoop-0.20-libhdfs JDK for hdfs support Boost ./

Flume DFO local storage usage check

It might be useful when flume driver failed. !/usr/bin/perl #Check flume DFO directory size sub trim($); use strict; use warnings; my $exit=0; my $backlog_size = `du -s flume | awk {‘print \$1’}`; $backlog_size = trim($backlog_size); if ( !

Default fixed version value when creating an issue in JIRA

You can try to add some JavaScript code to the field that will perform required operation for you, in this case it should be ‘Fix Version’ field.

delete mplayerx history launch Terminal, and use the command to clear the history - tested.

Atlassian crowd authentication directory address force update

When you migrate atlassian product (confluence, jira etc etc) to somewhere else, your backup file includes fixed crowd address which is not gonna work for some cases.

Cisco Router config for ACME PACKET

sip-ua authentication username -snip- password 7 -snip- registrar dns:realm.domain expires 3600

Using additional public ip address over pppoe nat with cisco router

To allocate router a non-NAT IP (for AWS VPC etc etc)