For binary encrypted output: aws kms encrypt --region ap-southeast-2 --key-id alias/blah --plaintext fileb://blah --output text --query CiphertextBlob | base64 --decode > blah. Had to contact Microsoft support to receive default file.
Print out CloudFront X-Amz-Cf-Id when response time is slower than set threshold.
Quoted $300+ from dealer shop which I know a serious rip-off price for mere carbon filter.
Attempted to convert rather large mongo dump to dynamo. Seems like AWS data pipeline is most elegant way to do this if one can workaround with dynamo non-standard json format issue.
Turkey - Istanbul Good: Nice people and food Bad: Syrian refugees(=security risks), bit too excessive street sales
Add below as a cron entry. #!/bin/bash /path/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto --server --renew-by-default -a webroot --webroot-path /webroot/ --email youremail --text --agree-tos --agree-dev-preview -d 7979.
Dynamic content requires cache-control(max-age) and/or expires header to be cached.
Do this from developer mode console. May need to load a page from the same domain to avoid cross domain validation failure.
I assume everyone reading this well aware about how the car insurance works and maybe made a few claims in past for minor scratches and parking mistakes.